Jikan Privacy Policy

information we collect

What we do with the collected data

Jikan stores the current time (Date.new()) in the memory after a user joins the VC. After the user leave the VC, we do a minus operation between the Join Time and Leave Time. As a result, the millisecond from that operation will be converted to human readable (ex. 1h 30s). We store your username, user id, and the time spent in VC. If a logging channel was configured, we collect the Channel ID for reference and the Webhook Token from the Webhook created by Jikan. The Server ID is used for grouping the leaderboards.

How we use the collected data

We use these for the following purposes:

We do not sell, trade, or rent users' information to other entities.

Where data is processed

These are processed where the bot server is hosted on. In this case, Finland.

Contacting us

You can contact us at our Discord Server or through e-mail if you have any questions regarding this document or Jikan.